Friday, March 20, 2015

What I've learned so far...

Blogging is a funny old world. I started Haus of Amy in April 2011 for a university module but got hooked and spent way more time on this little space than I'd done for any other work during my three year course - things dipped a little and we've been back, full throttle, since February 2013! So in those 4 years, I've definitely learned a few things along the way. It's a little bit of a change of topic for today's post but I hope you enjoy it all the same...

There's no point comparing
Stop it. Stop it right now. I was the worst for comparing my blog to others when I first started. I hadn't really read many when mine launched so began nitpicking at how mine looked and the things I should write about after searching through hundreds of Google results. The truth it, it needs to be individual. There are so many of us out there now that those little quirks of yours - the style of writing, your photography, the topics you talk about - will go a long way in making it stand out.

Don't be afraid to ask for advice
Or Google. Google's my best friend when it comes to coding my blog! But I've also built up a little circle of blogging buddies to ask for advice - whether it's trouble with html, having serious writer's block or how to expand. I'm also part of a couple of blogging groups on Facebook which I've found to be hella helpful when I'm really stuck and Twitter chats using #bbloggers or #fbloggers for example can be great too. We're all in this together (hey, Troy) so don't be afraid to reach out to the blogging community - we don't bite, promise!

You don't have to have everything
This is something I battle most of the time - thinking I need the latest beauty release because I should have it on my blog. When I lived at home, I'd go out and buy entire collections from drugstore releases but now I've moved out and have bills - yuck - I just can't justify the cash. Try rummaging through your collection instead for content. No doubt there'll be something in there you've not mentioned before. Because after all, we don't need every single MAC collection, do we?

It's ok to take a break
Not everyone blogs every day or every week but for those of us who do try to put out as much content as possible, sometimes it can all get a bit much. Especially is blogging isn't your full time job. I have a full time job to do Monday-Friday so sometimes my blog has to take a back seat when things get busy. If things get too much or you're feeling the pressure, take a week off. Things will still be there when you get back and no one will hate you for it.

Love what you do
Finally, the biggie. Love your blog. With all the above rolled into one, you've got to really love blogging to get the most out of it. Doing it for free stuff? Yeah, wrong reasons. Doing it for you? That's more like it. I've had to remind myself why I started this in the first place when I've felt a bit lost - it's because I enjoy doing it. And that passion will take you further than any free lipstick.

What do you think of my blogging lessons so far?


P.S - why does Blogger not recognise blog, blogger or blogging as actual words. Ah, irony.

1 comment:

  1. I loved reading this post, I have to agree in the beginning I did feel like I needed all the latest releases and now I just suffer from serious makeup hoarding hehe. I’m definitely going to be rummaging through my makeup collection so I can shop my stash :) Loving your blog is so important, I always think when you stop enjoying it you need to take a break to find that happy point again.

    Charlee XO | CharmedCharlee
