Wednesday, February 04, 2015

Lush Ultrabland, Not So Bland Afterall

If Caroline Hirons recommends something - and you can afford it - you buy it, right? That's what happened with Lush's Ultrabland Facial Cleanser. Sure, I'd heard good things about it before but it was only when I was catching up on Caroline's top cleansers video that I thought 'ok, she loves it, therefore I need it' - and the deal was done.

Ultrabland, despite its name, is actually a very lovely product. The consistency is almost like a thick moisturiser making it really soothing on the skin and it breaks down to a slightly oily texture when combined with water. I've been enjoying this as a second cleanse, once I'm got rid of my makeup, about three times a week (I use others in between) and I've gotta say - I'm loving the results so far! My skin instantly feels super soft which I wasn't expecting, after all Lush Ultrabland is not an exfoliator, but I guess the combination of almond oil and rose water aids that. I simply massage it into dry skin for around a minute, focusing on my jawline and hairline as that's where makeup gets forgotten, then gently wipe away with a damp flannel. My skin's not left looking red, like some cleansers do, but is just baby soft and I'm starting to see my glow come back!

I understand that at £11.50 for 100g it's not the cheapest on the market but you really only need an almond sized amount for your whole face and neck so I'm predicting it'll last a bloomin' long time.

My only downside? The smell. Oh Lord. I just can't get on board with the smell! I thought I'd get used to it but I really can't, to me Lush Ultrabland is quite plasticy which makes no sense because Lush is such a pure brand packed with good stuff, but the combination must create the odd scent. However saying that, it's not stopped me using it. I love the results so much that I can overlook the smell - deep breath in!

Have you tried Lush Ultrabland?



  1. I'be been recommended this a few times now and just try it! I love almond oil as it leaves my skin super soft whenever I use something with it in!

  2. Thou Shalt Not CovetFebruary 05, 2015 8:18 am

    This does sound like a great product, but what a shame about the smell!! xx Thou Shalt Not Covet

  3. I'd definitely say to try it though, the results outweigh the smell :) x

  4. Lush is just not for me, have tried so many but my skin does not like them. I see and hear many friends ramp about lush but my sensitive won't change. Great review!

  5. Oh no, what a shame! What brands so you prefer using? x

  6. Feel Fab Be Fab BlogFebruary 10, 2015 10:07 am

    It depends on my needs, Korean products, dermalogica or professional Derm products.

  7. Thanks for your review,I am new to these cleansing balms. I will b trying this next.xx

