Happy Sunday you lovely lot! I hope you're all have a wonderfully relaxed day before we start another week. I'm super excited because it's a 4 day week for me as I go to another convention just like last year's! More on that another time though because today I'm talking about my prep for that 3-day weekender and my experience of LVL Lashes.
I'd only heard of LVL Lashes because of my beautiful friend Becky - who's a fellow blogger and a beautician. It's s treatment for your eyelashes that lifts and straightens them to add length and volume. The process takes around 45 minutes and can last for around 6 weeks! I'd seen some before and after pictures on Google and definitely knew it was something I wanted to try. I have fairly long lashes naturally but they're actually quite fine and don't hold a curl well unless I use waterproof mascara so instead of going for something like lash extensions I thought giving them a lift with LVL that sticks around would be perfect and mean I could have a break from my beloved Shu Uemera lash curlers - sorry, Shu.
The process was super easy and straightforward and very relaxing. Becky had me lie back on my sofa and have all my mascara removed completely. A sticky pad is placed under the eyes and then what I think is a silicon pad on the eyelid itself. The lashes are pushed back in a way and a gel formula applied so they stick to the silicon pad. The formula didn't hurt or sting but as it got nearer the end I felt a little more aware of it being there. After around 45 minutes, Becky removed everything and combed through the lashes gently before I opened my eyes. My eyes did water a fair bit but I think that's a mix of my eyes doing that in general very easily and having my eyes closed for a long time.
The end results? Well I think the pictures speak for themselves! My lashes are so straight and look even longer than they ever do with curlers! In the pictures they look a little stuck together but that's just as the formula dried off. I had to not get them wet for 24 hours so no showering or serious face cleansing but in the morning I gave them a good brush through with the teeny tiny comb Becky had left with me and they fanned out beautifully. They can then be used or whatever as you would normally do - washing, makeup, cleansing etc as usual.
I've found I've not had to put on as much mascara because they're already so prominent and the only hurdle I'm having to overcome is putting on my liner and doing shadow purely because the lashes do get in the way a little. It's not a downside by any means though, just something to note. I'm so excited to see how long they last and feel great every time I look in the mirror! So a huge thank you to Becky!!
Have you ever tried LVL Lashes?
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